Friday, August 29, 2008

Lily Program

I'm so excited! I just came back from a walk with the dogs while waiting for the afore-mentioned plumber and my Lily Program questionnaire was in the mail. As soon as I get it turned in, we get our new Lily raintainer!

If you missed the Herald-Leader article about the Lily raintainer -- called the Lily Program -- the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Department of Environmental Quality instituted a pilot program to address storm water run-off. The "Lily" is an attractive rain barrel that attaches to your gutter collecting and storing rainwater from the roof. What makes it different from other rain collectors is that's really cute and has a spigot on the side with which to attach hoses or fill watering cans! Horrible gardener that I am, I'll be using my saved water to fill our fish pond and water my container pots. I think the fish will be really pleased although they don't know about the last batch I accidentally killed so they might not be as excited as they could be...but that's another story. In addition, it's many more gallons of water that stay on my property rather than draining through the yards and picking up pesticides and fertilizers on its way to the lake.

LFUCG only has five hundred available and the cost is $75.00 but I think it's going to be well worth it for the environment and my fish! If you're interested in adding one to your home, call LFUCG at 311 to register for the program. I bet there are still a few left!

Beautiful morning...

It's one of those mornings in Lexington that makes living here so worthwhile! Even though, I'm waiting for my plumber so that I can continue helping support his children's college tuition funds (oh the joys of living in an older home inside New Circle!), it's hard not enjoy life in Central Kentucky -- not too hot, bright sunny sky and wonderful late summer day.

I had a moment this morning too, to spend a minute flipping through Lexington's new Skirt magazine. It's a great addition to some of our local newspapers like Ace Weekly, Nougat and the Chevy Chaser. If you're trying to get a feel for our Bluegrass flavor, all of these publications offer a great insight into our local scene. I always recommend that newcomers pick up a copy of any of these to peruse while exploring the area.

UK is back in session so don't try any shortcuts driving through campus! And, we can look forward to the UK-UL game this weekend. I'm actually excited about UK football this year. Go Cats!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit!!!

Attention first-time home buyers, this is really big news! The President has signed into effect an economic recovery act measure that provides an up-to $7500 tax credit for qualified first-time home buyers. I don't know a lot about the details yet but I will be attending a seminar on Tuesday, August 19th to learn about this very important incentive. While like 99.87% of American, I'm tax illiterate (another great reason to be married to a CPA besides his good looks), my understanding of the tax credit is that it is the same as hard cash to the home buyer at the time that taxes are filed.

Check in with me after 3 p.m. on Tuesday, when I'm an expert!!!

Also, I understand this is retroactive for first-time home purchases after April 2008 and runs through purchases in 2009.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mortgage Market News

Interested in knowing more about mortgage market news? Let me know, and I'm happy to forward a weekly market updated from Bluegrass Mortgage. It's a really informative and detailed resource!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

End of Summer...

While this doesn't have a lot to do with real estate, it seems worthwhile to note that only four blissful days are left until Fayette County school children head back to class. Seems like summer just gets shorter and shorter and it makes me sad (not to mention the sad looks on my children's faces). We really need a couple more weeks to truly enjoy our summer -- we've had such a good one...travelling out west and just returning from our favorite beach destination -- Sullivan's Island.

I'm not alone in wishing for a later school start date and for anyone who cares there is a website for the promotion of legislation to legally change the start date of the school year to no earlier than the 4th Monday in August. The official website is .

First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit

In the continuing debate about whether it's a good time to buy, another argument goes on the pro side of purchasing a home. President Bush signed into effect a new housing bill that would give a $7500 tax credit to qualified first-time home purchasers. I'm including a link to a news article posted on the Lexington-Bluegrass Board of Realtors website. Essentially, this tax credit is like an interest-free loan for any qualified purchases made between April 8, 2008 and June 30, 2009.